Treat Chronic Back Pain With Some Easy Practices

Back pain has become common nowadays due to our daily sitting routine and hectic lifestyle. However, back pain is considered chronic if it occurs for more than three months. Though the pain can come and go and can often provide relief, to treat the back pain problems, there are different treatment options one can follow.

Back pain is one of the leading problems that cause disability and as per the research, it is common among 80% of the population to have the problem in their lives. But with the different practices like physical therapy, exercise, solutions, CBD oil and more for back pain, you can get deal with the ache.

Common Causes of Chronic Back Pain:

Chronic back pain is usually related to age, but can also be the result of previous injuries and the most common causes include:

·         Arthritis of the spine —the gradual thinning of the cartilage inside the spine
·         Spinal stenosis —narrowing of the spinal canal that may lead to nerve pain
·         Disc problems, such as a herniated or bulging disc
·         Myofascial pain syndrome—unexplained muscle pain and tenderness

Moreover, in most of the cases, it is difficult to pinpoint the cause of chronic back pain as there are numerous reasons behind these issues. Therefore, it’s important not to make rushed decisions or 
undergo extensive medical procedures until the area of the pain is found.

1.      Physical Therapy:

Exercise is one of the best sources that can help you in recovering your body aches like back pain, joint pain and more. Physical therapies have been the traditional ways and are in trend for ages. So practicing physical therapy in your day to day routine can help you to treat back pain and muscle aches.

“Note: The exercises should be tailored to your specific symptoms and condition. Maintaining the exercise routine at home is the biggest part of your recovery.”

Physical therapy for chronic back pain may include:

·         Retraining your posture
·         Testing the limits of pain tolerance
·         Stretching and flexibility exercises
·         Aerobic exercises
·         Core strengthening

2.      Mindfulness and Meditation:

Chronic back pain and other types of muscle pain can be your biggest enemy and to reduce the pain, you need to a person with schedules exercises. And here to manage the frustration of back pain, meditation can work the best. Meditation, yoga, tai chi, and othercognitive and relaxation strategies are the best source to keep your mind from focusing on pain.
      Therapeutic Massage:

Massage therapy has been in tradition since ages and now widely accepted in the medical community for the treatment of back pain and other kinds of muscle aches. Moreover, research shows that massage therapy has potential health benefits for back pain sufferers, including:

1.     It helps in increased blood flow and circulation, which brings required nutrition to muscles and tissues. Multiple oils are used in a therapeutic massage like CBD oil for pain and more. This aids in the recovery of muscle soreness from physical activity or soft tissue injury.

2.      Decreased tension in the muscles- the therapeutic massage pulls muscles towards relaxation which can improve flexibility, reduce pain caused by tight muscles and even improve sleep.

Many alternatives also are beneficial to reduce back pain like acupuncture, electrical nerve stimulation and other non-surgical methods- but before going through any treatment, it is recommended to consult your doctor.


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